Fighting Girls

Powerful girls over-powering weak opponents

Madame Marissa found out that her boyfriend had kissed another girl and she was pissed. She did not want him to do it again so she used her kicks to make him learn never to do so again. The mistress used her fighting skills and mixed wrestling training to beat him up. The boyfriend was remorseful and she knew he had learned his lesson. The mistress then let him go.

Mistress Nyx was not ok with how rude this guy was. She had to punish him and to do so, she chose to wrestle him. The guy thought she was nuts but she was not. He thought it would be an easy win for him but he was shocked when she used her martial arts training to beat the shit out of him and choke him for her fun. He regretted his rudeness and he begged for mercy.

This mistress and her friend came together, rented an apartment and used it to train people who wanted to learn about mixed martial arts. So the two of them turned this guy into a foot slave and beat the shit out of him. They also got to try some new martial arts skills on the poor guy who could not even afford to say no to what they did to him.

Goddess Nika caught this girl trying to mess with her man and she was livid. She did not want anyone to mess with her man and when this girl tried, goddess Nika had to do something about it. She did so by beating the girl with her martial arts skills. The girl did not see any of it coming and was beaten black and blue. She never saw goddess Nika's man again.

Lady Scarlet knew that this guy was way in over his head but she knew that it gave her the perfect chance to dominate him. And she did not hesitate to do so to him and to teach him a lesson he had never forgotten. She used her martial arts skills to pin him down and to choke him with a headlock he will never forget. He struggled to free himself but it was impossible.

This mistress was angered at what this couple had done to her. She did not want them to do it to anyone else and that is why she chose to teach them a lesson. She wanted it to be a cruel lesson so that they would never be in a position to try that on someone else. So she kicked them in the groin and trampled them all over the place including outside the house.

Mistress Gaia and her friend wanted to take advantage of this guy to humiliate him for fun. They did not care what the guy wanted and what he felt. They were naughtily dressed and they managed to turn him on after which they enjoyed humiliating him for their own fun. They wrestled him and pinned him down before degrading and humiliating him for their own fun. He thought it was mutual but it was not.

This mistress could not believe that her boyfriend's friend was hitting on her. She thought that she was dreaming but she confirmed that he was indeed hitting on her and she had to do something about it. So she went out of her way to degrade him by trampling him so that he never thought to do such things again. The pain made him stop doing it as he was afraid she would tell his friend.

Mistress Jeanne had given this guy some things to handle for her but he was a letdown for her and she did not like it. She had to punish him and she did it with her fighting fetish since she knows martial arts and wrestling. She kicked and trampled him in a crazy way and she ensured that he was in pain and that he would never let her down again.

Mistress Gaia and her friend had to beat up this guy because she was not ok with what he had done and she wanted to send him a message he would never forget. So they kicked him hard in the nuts and they made sure that he felt a lot of pain and he could not do anything about it. He begged for mercy but the mistresses ignored him and had to make sure he got the message.

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