Fighting Girls

Powerful girls over-powering weak opponents

Mistress Emily tracked down the guy who had hit her friend and run away. It was painstaking work but she finally managed to hunt him down and punishing him for making her friend be hospitalized. She tied him up and she kicked him on the head to pump some sense into him and generally tortured him as brutally as she could including kicks and blows. She also pulled his hair before making him pay for her hospitalization.

Madame Marissa was pissed when this guy called her weak. She was anything but weak and she had to prove it to him. She took him to her house where she kicked him brutally. He never expected that from her and was surprised she was that good. But it was too late as she could not stop. She kept on humiliating him and beating him and even rode him like a pony.

These mistresses did not like the fact that this guy had lied to them. They hate being lied to and they would rather know the painful truth than have an issue sugarcoated. They went to see him in his house and he thought it was a social call. But they ended up beating him up and kicking him brutally for what he had done. He never lied to them after that.

Mistress Gaia and her friend Alisha did not like how this guy disrespected his wife and sometimes battered her. They had tried to advice her on what to do but he clearly feared him and could not do anything about it. They decided to confront him directly so they lured him to their house and when he came, they beat the shit out of him. They kicked and trampled and stomped on him and told him to never lay a finger on his wife again.

Lady Krasaviza knows that to get to this slave, she had to kick him painfully so she kicked him in the nuts. She ballbusted him cruelly and she made sure it was as bad as her slave had never experienced before. He was a tough one and a little pain did not scare him. So she made it as painful as she could to send a message to him and it worked.

Princess Bertie was about to go away for a few days and she did not want her slave to do anything stupid while she was away. She punished him in anticipation of what he might do wrong. She lied to him that she had hidden cameras all over the house to monitor him. In the meantime, she kicked him and trampled him after she had tied his hands to render him helpless.

Miss Karina, miss Oulia and miss Katarina were contracted to get some secrets out of this guy. It was a high stakes affair as he held some secrets that a certain company needed for its survival. The mistresses beat him up cruelly and trampled him with their boots. No part of his body was out of bounds for them. They only let him go when he told them what they wanted.

Madame Marissa could not believe that her slave had been telling her neighbors about things happening in her house. She was pissed and she had to teach him a lesson. She thought it was a no brainer but clearly it was not. She took him to a secluded place and she tied him up between two posts. She then kicked the defenseless slave many times and he could do nothing but endure it.

Lady Krasaviza does not like to have her slave talk back at her. He did today and she had to put an end to it. She did by trampling him and crushing his balls. She tied his hands behind his back and she kicked him hard in the nuts. She wanted him to remember the kind of pain he felt whenever he feels the urge to talk back at her.

These mistresses are anti bullies. They hate them and try to punish them and give them a taste of their own medicine every once in a while when they come across them. They found out this guy was a bully so they lured him to their house where they had fun trampling and humiliating him. He had thought they wanted to have fun with him but the reality was that they wanted to give him a taste of his own medicine and make him stop being a bully.

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