Fighting Girls

Powerful girls over-powering weak opponents

Mistresses Maria and Jennifer love wrestling. But today they were not wrestling for fun. They were wrestling for a title and despite being friends, they did not go easy on each other. They used all the martial arts skills they knew and fought tooth and nail until Maria managed to beat her friend Jennifer narrowly. They were however both tired and Maria had only managed to beat her friend on a technicality.

This mistress is hot. And there is nothing as bad as a cruel mistress knowing that she is hot. This mistress likes to use the fact that she is hot to humiliate and torture others. What helps her is the fact that she knows how to fight and has good martial arts skills. But she likes to use them to humiliate and degrade guys because it makes her feel good and powerful.

Inflicting pain on people is this mistress' forte. She loves doing it and enjoys seeing guys in pain. She loves it more so if she is the one inflicting the pain. She went home today and trampled her slave and fought him and pinned him down. She tortured him using different techniques and did not care what he felt. All she cared about was the fact that she was having fun.

Mistress Jennifer loves to prove guys wrong. She is a sweet mistress but when someone messes with her, she does not hold back. She likes to punish that person and make him or her regret ever messing with her. Today was the turn of this guy at the gym who thought he could do anything he wanted. She choke held him and beat him up with her martial arts skills. He begged for mercy before she released him from her vice like grip.

Mistress Maria wanted to prove to this guy that he had nothing on her. He was boastful and liked bragging of how many belts he had won. But she was fed of hearing his nonsense so she planned to make him stop. She wrestled him and threw him on the ground. She leg scissored him and choke held him. He was humiliated and tried all he could to free himself but he was defeated.

Mistress Bambina and her friend mistress Teodora love martial arts. They like being prepared in case of anything and want to be safe in the knowledge that they can defend themselves. They like to train in the house and show each other the best techniques and help each other train and become better martial artists. They did not want to use a slave today. They were perfectly ok doing it themselves.

Miss Katarina and miss Karina do not like bullies. They caught this guy bullying others and they could not stand it. They took him to their place which was nearby and they punished him for being a bully. They trampled him, kicked him and tortured him a great deal. They gave him a dose of his own medicine and by the time they were done with him, he swore he would never bully again.

This mistress had a bet with her boyfriend. Whoever won it would do anything he or she wanted to the other. She won the game and had fun torturing her boyfriend. She choked him, she head locked him and used her martial arts training on him. She kicked him and painfully so before having some mercy on him. He was in so much pain and looked forward to when he would win the game and get her revenge.

Mistress Lilou wanted her slave to know what she had in mind. So she went and made sure that she had him where she wanted. She put him in the basement and enjoying not only mocking him and humiliating him, but she also kicked him and made sure that she felt all the pain she wanted him to. She did it so brutally that it raised her profile. It was epic.

Mistress Nikki was broke and wanted to make some good money quick. She knew that this guy was the gambling type. She made sure she knew all about her without him knowing. She then befriended him and asked him for a wrestling match in which the winner pocket a certain number of things. I tried it and it was the best thing she had ever seen as he agreed to all she had to say.

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