Fighting Girls

Powerful girls over-powering weak opponents

All articles tagged with "Martial Arts"

Madame Marissa needed to teach this guy to respect her and since he did not want to do it by himself, she had to force him to do it. It was cruel as it was brutal. She kicked and punched him so badly that she knocked the shit out of him. He could not believe what happened when he came to. She had to tell him what happened and why.

Mistress Dula loves to dominate and that is what she was out to do today. She wanted to torture this guy and she did it like she had never done before. The mistress used her leg scissor and her wrestling skills to easily pin the guy down and to defeat him. He never saw it coming and it was painful as well as humiliating for him. He never messed with her again.

Mistress Sheena is good at fighting and she did it today for fun. She did not care what this guy thought of himself. All she wanted to do was to torture and to dominate him. So she did it the best way she knows how. In no time, she managed to cruelly turn the guy into her bitch as she used her mixed martial arts to beat the shit out of him.

This guy had conned mistress Suzy and he had to be punished for it not to happen again. Mistress Suzy knew that if she did not do it, no one else will. She did not want to sit back and watch as he did the same thing to other people. So she used her mixed martial arts to fight him and choke him besides slapping him. It worked and he changed.

This mistress wanted a strong bodyguard but the one she had was a weak one and she could not stand the fact that he did not do things the way she expected him to. She had thought that he would gradually change but he did not and she had to toughen him and also make him to have the required discipline. So she kicked and trampled him with the help of her friend and they taught him martial arts as well.

This mistress has big tits. And it was easy for her to distract this guy with the big tits as the guy tried to catch them under the guise of wrestling. And she was wearing a thong and she was fascinated about what lay beneath it. And it was those distractions that made it easier for the mistress to dominate him and to choke him until she eventually defeated him.

Mistress Vicky saw this guy misbehaving and she felt that she had to do something about it. He did not want to change even after she talked to him and alerted him as to the wrong things he was doing. So the mistress used her martial arts to choke him and to smother him for his wrongs. She then made him do what he should have done in the first place.

Mistress Anne was pissed at the fact that this guy had ill intentions towards her. She realized that he was planning evil towards her and she had to do something about it. That is why she kicked him with her high heels and brutally made sure that he was in pain and he was dominated. Her mixed martial arts skills are out of this world and she used them to teach him a lesson.

This mistress had an unruly client and she did not like it. She had tried her best to ask him to calm down and have his issues addressed but he instead became aggressive. The mistress could not let him go on being aggressive and a disturbance at her work place. So she used her fighting skills and especially her mixed martial arts skills to trample him and dominate him until he learned his lesson.

Lady Scarlet knows how to fight and she shocked her boyfriend with how she beat his ass. She used martial arts and her mixed fighting skills to beat him up. He had taken things for granted and he panicked when he could not break free from her stranglehold and from her tight grips. He had to beg her for mercy and he even cried in the process and peed his pants.

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