Fighting Girls

Powerful girls over-powering weak opponents

All articles tagged with "Pain"

Madame Marissa needed to teach this guy to respect her and since he did not want to do it by himself, she had to force him to do it. It was cruel as it was brutal. She kicked and punched him so badly that she knocked the shit out of him. He could not believe what happened when he came to. She had to tell him what happened and why.

Madame Marissa found out that her boyfriend had kissed another girl and she was pissed. She did not want him to do it again so she used her kicks to make him learn never to do so again. The mistress used her fighting skills and mixed wrestling training to beat him up. The boyfriend was remorseful and she knew he had learned his lesson. The mistress then let him go.

Mistress Eva wanted to fight this girl for seducing her man because she did not want him to do it again. She felt that the best way for her to do it was to smother him and humiliate him like never before. The mistress crushed her and choked her using her leg scissor. In no time, she had managed to teach him a lesson he had never been taught before.

Mistress Zora knows the value of a good name and she does not want hers soiled in any way. That is why she had to make sure that she taught this loser a lesson he will never forget. She did not hesitate to torture as well as to degrade him with her mixed martial arts prowess. He was trampled, kicked, choked and punched until he peed his pants and begged for mercy.

Lady Scarlet knows how to fight and she shocked her boyfriend with how she beat his ass. She used martial arts and her mixed fighting skills to beat him up. He had taken things for granted and he panicked when he could not break free from her stranglehold and from her tight grips. He had to beg her for mercy and he even cried in the process and peed his pants.

This mistress hates lies and the ones this guy told her were especially bad since the cost her a lot. She used the lies he gave her to invest and she lost some money and so she had to punish him. She was so pissed at him that she chose to wrestle him and while at it, she used her martial arts prowess to beat the shit out of him and even make him give her the money she had lost.

Princess Jasmin did not want her boyfriend coming home late so she punished him to make sure he would never do it again. She used her boots to beat him up. She stripped him down and she kicked him all over his body. He was in a lot of pain and could do nothing about it. She laughed at him and warned him never to do it again if he wanted to avoid such treatment.

Lady Krasaviza kicked this loser in the balls and punched him in the face. He had attempted to spank her and grab her tits. She was not going to let any guy do that to her. She had let him into her house thinking he was a normal guy but he was a pervert and she could not let him get away with it. She used her martial arts on him and beat his ass till he regretted what he had done.

Mistress Gaia could not believe what this loser had done. He had farted in her bedroom and she was pissed. She was pissed that he had done it in front of her and in her bedroom. His punishment was swift. She was wearing her bikini so she used it to facesit on him and also fart on his face. She had him smell her farts and she also used her leg scissors to choke him and humiliate him.

Lady Johanna Syrkay did not want to waste her breath on this loser. She wanted something to be done about it and she ensured it was. She kicked the guy who wanted to wrestle her. After her kick, he knew he was no match for her. She used mixed martial arts to beat his ass and to make him regret what he had done. He begged profusely for forgiveness till she let him go.

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