Fighting Girls

Powerful girls over-powering weak opponents

All articles tagged with "Head Lock"

Mistress Sheena is good at fighting and she did it today for fun. She did not care what this guy thought of himself. All she wanted to do was to torture and to dominate him. So she did it the best way she knows how. In no time, she managed to cruelly turn the guy into her bitch as she used her mixed martial arts to beat the shit out of him.

This guy was a sissy and mistress Dula was interested in toughening him up. That is exactly what she did and she had to make sure that she humiliated as well as dominated him so that he would learn to toughen up. She punched him and used martial arts on him and he was in a lot of pain. But he got the message that he had to toughen up.

This guy was weak and he did not know how to stand up for himself or how to defend himself when attacked. He was a pushover and that needed to stop. So goddess Nemesis took it upon herself to teach him how to act and to do what she wanted. She fought him and wrestled him to teach him this and he was beaten up in the process as the mistress choked and head locked him with her martial arts.

Because this guy was disrespectful, madame Mysteria wanted to show him what happened to people like him. So she used her martial arts training to beat the crap out of him. He worked out but he was no match for her and he was shocked as he had thought it would be the opposite. He was humiliated and he had to beg her for mercy before she let him go.

Mistress Nyx did not like how this guy was testing her. He was wasting her time and she had other things to do. She got fed up and she fought and wrestled him. She used her superior wrestling and martial arts to defeat him and teach him how not to behave. She was not going to let him get away with it. He never messed with her again after that.

Mistress Dula is good at fighting and these guys did not know that. They tried messing with her so as to see what she could do and they ended up regretting their decision. The guys were shocked when she kicked and punched them like a pro and they could not do much about it. They cried and wished that they had done things differently but it was not as easy as they wanted it to be.

Mistress Madison knows how to fight and how to wrestle. She felt that this guy was not good and that he needed to be subdued. She had to do it herself and she did so by using her fighting prowess especially mixed martial arts. The mistress head locked him to the point that he knew she would not let go unless he surrendered. He cried and she knew he had gotten the message.

Mistress Nyx was not ok with how rude this guy was. She had to punish him and to do so, she chose to wrestle him. The guy thought she was nuts but she was not. He thought it would be an easy win for him but he was shocked when she used her martial arts training to beat the shit out of him and choke him for her fun. He regretted his rudeness and he begged for mercy.

Lady Scarlet knew that this guy was way in over his head but she knew that it gave her the perfect chance to dominate him. And she did not hesitate to do so to him and to teach him a lesson he had never forgotten. She used her martial arts skills to pin him down and to choke him with a headlock he will never forget. He struggled to free himself but it was impossible.

This mistress was angered at what this couple had done to her. She did not want them to do it to anyone else and that is why she chose to teach them a lesson. She wanted it to be a cruel lesson so that they would never be in a position to try that on someone else. So she kicked them in the groin and trampled them all over the place including outside the house.

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