Fighting Girls

Powerful girls over-powering weak opponents

All articles tagged with "Choking"

Madame Marissa needed to teach this guy to respect her and since he did not want to do it by himself, she had to force him to do it. It was cruel as it was brutal. She kicked and punched him so badly that she knocked the shit out of him. He could not believe what happened when he came to. She had to tell him what happened and why.

Mistress Veve wanted to shock this guy and she did it with her fighting skills. She shocked the guy and made sure that he was in a lot of pain. He could not believe what she did to him and he was shocked at the kind of skills she had which she used on him to beat the shit out of him and to control him like he had never been before.

Mistress Sheena is good at fighting and she did it today for fun. She did not care what this guy thought of himself. All she wanted to do was to torture and to dominate him. So she did it the best way she knows how. In no time, she managed to cruelly turn the guy into her bitch as she used her mixed martial arts to beat the shit out of him.

This guy was a sissy and mistress Dula was interested in toughening him up. That is exactly what she did and she had to make sure that she humiliated as well as dominated him so that he would learn to toughen up. She punched him and used martial arts on him and he was in a lot of pain. But he got the message that he had to toughen up.

Mistress Samantha and her friend goddess Nemesis had an obnoxious colleague and they wanted to dominate as well as humiliate him which is what they went ahead to do. He was punished and forced to lie down as the mistresses used their asses to smother him and humiliate him. He was lucky that they did no do worse than that as they had planned because he begged them and they forgave him.

Madam Mysteria felt that this guy was using her. She sat down and analyzed what he did and how he did it and she came to the conclusion that he was misusing her and he was abusing her generosity and her good nature. That is why she had to fight the guy and do it in a way he would never forget. She wrestled him and choked as well crushed him painfully.

Mistress Dula did not mess with this guy but the guy messed with her. She did not like that and she was convinced that she had to punish him for him never to repeat it. The mistress fought him and she kicked as well as punched him as painfully as she was able to. He never messed with her again as he knew what she was capable of doing to him.

Lady Tassia does not like imbeciles and when this guy proved to be one, he had to get what was due to him. The mistress chose to use her ass to sit on his face and she choked him in the process. He was afraid of her and he made sure that he did not piss her off any further. The mistress noticed that he was remorseful and she let him go.

Mistress Nyx was not ok with how rude this guy was. She had to punish him and to do so, she chose to wrestle him. The guy thought she was nuts but she was not. He thought it would be an easy win for him but he was shocked when she used her martial arts training to beat the shit out of him and choke him for her fun. He regretted his rudeness and he begged for mercy.

This mistress and her friend came together, rented an apartment and used it to train people who wanted to learn about mixed martial arts. So the two of them turned this guy into a foot slave and beat the shit out of him. They also got to try some new martial arts skills on the poor guy who could not even afford to say no to what they did to him.

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