Fighting Girls

Powerful girls over-powering weak opponents

All articles tagged with "Choke Hold"

Mistress Dula loves to dominate and that is what she was out to do today. She wanted to torture this guy and she did it like she had never done before. The mistress used her leg scissor and her wrestling skills to easily pin the guy down and to defeat him. He never saw it coming and it was painful as well as humiliating for him. He never messed with her again.

Mistress Sheena is good at fighting and she did it today for fun. She did not care what this guy thought of himself. All she wanted to do was to torture and to dominate him. So she did it the best way she knows how. In no time, she managed to cruelly turn the guy into her bitch as she used her mixed martial arts to beat the shit out of him.

Mistress Dula wanted to defeat this guy because he was not the kind of person she liked to deal with. He was selfish and vile. She had to make sure he got the lesson he deserved and that is why she chose to fight him. With her fighting girls clips, she cruelly tortured him and ensured that he learned his lesson the hard way and that he would never mess up again.

Madam Mysteria was shocked when this burglar got into her house. She did not let him take anything. She took him head on and fought him. He was shocked that she was not scared and he tried to beat her but she used her mixed martial arts to fight him and in no time, she had overpowered him and she beat the crap out of him before handing him over to the authorities.

Madame Eva wanted to wrestle her boyfriend because she knew she would defeat him. Her boyfriend could not understand why she wanted them to wrestle and he believed she was no match for him. But when they did, she used mixed fighting and mixed martial arts to pin him down, head lock him and ensure he could not break free from her grip. He had the shock of his life.

Mistress Nyx did not like how this guy was testing her. He was wasting her time and she had other things to do. She got fed up and she fought and wrestled him. She used her superior wrestling and martial arts to defeat him and teach him how not to behave. She was not going to let him get away with it. He never messed with her again after that.

Mistress Dula is good at fighting and these guys did not know that. They tried messing with her so as to see what she could do and they ended up regretting their decision. The guys were shocked when she kicked and punched them like a pro and they could not do much about it. They cried and wished that they had done things differently but it was not as easy as they wanted it to be.

This guy had conned mistress Suzy and he had to be punished for it not to happen again. Mistress Suzy knew that if she did not do it, no one else will. She did not want to sit back and watch as he did the same thing to other people. So she used her mixed martial arts to fight him and choke him besides slapping him. It worked and he changed.

Madame Marissa found out that her boyfriend had kissed another girl and she was pissed. She did not want him to do it again so she used her kicks to make him learn never to do so again. The mistress used her fighting skills and mixed wrestling training to beat him up. The boyfriend was remorseful and she knew he had learned his lesson. The mistress then let him go.

Lady Scarlet knew that this guy was way in over his head but she knew that it gave her the perfect chance to dominate him. And she did not hesitate to do so to him and to teach him a lesson he had never forgotten. She used her martial arts skills to pin him down and to choke him with a headlock he will never forget. He struggled to free himself but it was impossible.

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