Fighting Girls

Powerful girls over-powering weak opponents

Maria has just learned some new moves and can't wait to try them out. This poor bastard ha no idea what's in store for him. Maria puts in more holds than he knows what to do with. She'll use her legs, she'll put him in a choke hold, whatever she feels like doing. He's powerless to stop her as she chokes the life out of him. She even sits on his face.

Princess Paris really teaches this fucking loser a painful lesson. Never fuck with a beautiful strong well trained woman. She comes in by surprise and gets him into a painful choke hold arm extending situation. He's completely powerless to stop her. His life is in her hands as she chokes and pulls him. He can try to squirm and move, but there's nothing he can do. She can put him in whatever hold she wants.

The Beautiful Kourtney is one powerful woman. She's incredibly fit and well trained. Her thick and muscular legs are not to be messed with. She's about to show this poor bastard why. Watch as she throws him into a brutal scissor-hold. Those powerful thighs will squeeze the life out of this poor bastard. Watch as the life is drained out of him while he's powerless to stop Kourtney at all.

Krista made a big mistake when she beat the more experienced Emma in a fight. Not only did she beat her but she beat her bad. Emma wants her to know that's not ok. She takes Krista down to the mat. Once there she sit right down on Krista's face. She sits down with all of her weight. There's nothing Krista can do but take it. She's powerless to stop Emma.

Tomiko decides she's going to teach Steve a painful lesson. He should never talk back to a beautiful and powerful woman like her. Tomiko puts him into some painful holds and shows him no mercy. She doesn't care if he's in pain or turning red he's going to pay the price. She contorts his body anyway she feels like and he's powerless to stop him. This guy gets totally humiliated.

Sergeant Emily wants to show soldier girl what true power is. She has her hold up a black pillow and begins to show off her skills. Sergeant Emily shows this poor pillow no mercy as she kicks it as hard as she can. The force catches soldier girl off guard a little bit. Emily must really work on her karate because she can really kick hard. Stay away from that kick!

Carina and Nadine want to see who's the strongest between the two of them. They decide to hold a little competition on the matter. And wow do they really go at it. You watch them arm wrestle intensely. They wrestle each other viciously and leg wrestler. They'll even have a tug of war fighting to make sure they don't lose. Watch all of this great intense and female on female action.

This poor bastard has no idea what he's getting into. He's about to get his ass kicked by this gorgeous woman. She will show him no mercy as she puts him multiple holds. She performs a perfect arm bar to get things going. She also throws him into a nice headlock chocking the life out of him. If that's not enough she puts him in a scissor choke. How much can he handle.

This mistress decides to brutally beat her misbehaving slave. He has no idea what's in store for him when she ties him up. She goes to town on him. Hitting him over and over again with a belt. She doesn't let up at all, even as he tries to move away in pain. She beats him viciously with no mercy for 7 whole minutes. How much pain can he handle?

This poor slave is at his young mistresses mercy. There's nothing he can do because he's tied up. Watch as she uses him as a human punching back. Kicking him over and over again. She will not relent at all. She brutally beats him up and he has to take it. Se doesn't care how much pain he's in. She's going to kick the shit out of him until she's satisfied.

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