Fighting Girls

Powerful girls over-powering weak opponents

Lady Krasaviza is one of the few mistresses who do not fear anyone. This guy came to her store thinking that he would scare her and run away with a few pairs of shoes. She pretended to be afraid but she turned on him and surprised him with her fighting skills. She tripped him and she kicked and trampled him painfully. He had to beg for mercy and compensate her before she let him go.

Mistress Rebeka enjoys proving guys wrong. She does not go out to look for confrontations or to look for fights. But when a guy pisses her off or does something to her, she likes to teach them a lesson. This guy knocked on her door and he proceeded to go inside thinking he would scare her. She was not scared and instead she taught him a lesson by making him lick her feet and humiliating him.

Mistress Gaia does not take it kindly to people who seek to undermine her. She appreciates healthy competition but when these guys tried to sabotage her using underhand tactics, she had to do something they did not expect she could do. She laid a trap for them and she undressed them and she kicked them hard in the balls. She beat them up with the help of her friend and business partner mistress Alisha.

Goddess Nika knows how to fight and she is one of those people who do not underestimate anyone. She was training today as she had read that crime had increased in her neighborhood. She loved it and she was not moving out. She had to however practice more so that she was not caught off guard by the criminals in the event they came to her house or met her somewhere.

Mistress Gaia is a hot mistress. She also keeps to herself and most guys do not know her well. She was at home when this guy broke into her house and he wanted to assault her. He had made the biggest mistake of his life as she blocked his attempt and she kicked him in the nuts. She did so cruelly and she made him feel pain he had only heard about.

When it comes to torturing guys, this mistress is one of the best in the game. She had to teach this loser a lesson and she did it cruelly using her bare feet. She kicked him hard and made him cry like a baby. He was lucky she did not use her boots or her high heels. She however made sure the punishment was painful and that he learned his lesson the hard way.

Madame Marissa did not like how this guy tried to force her to date him. She had told him no a couple of times politely but he did not seem to understand her. She was pissed and to make sure it did not happen again, she invited him to her house and she turned on him and she crushed him and kicked him brutally. She made him fear her and keep away from her.

Lady Betty caught her husband cheating on her and she was angry. She could not believe that he could do something like that to her. She had been faithful despite all the make attention she got. But he could not keep it in his pants. She tied him up and she kicked him with her shoes. She also slapped him and she puled his hair painfully to show him how angry she was.

Lady Kara is a strong mistress and she knows how to beat up guys. She likes to show off her strength to guys behaving badly. When this guy misbehaved, she punished him. She tied him up and she used her feet to kick him and slap him. She also trampled his face and she made him feel the kind of pain he had never felt before. She also forbade him from crying.

Madame Marissa was planning to make her slave increase his pain threshold. So she trampled him with her boots. She kicked him and she jumped on him. She had fun crushing his neck and doing all sorts of crazy things to him. She enjoyed it all and made him cry but after a few days she managed to make him increase his pain threshold. He no longer cried when he was trampled and kicked.

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