Fighting Girls

Powerful girls over-powering weak opponents

Madam Mysteria felt that this guy was using her. She sat down and analyzed what he did and how he did it and she came to the conclusion that he was misusing her and he was abusing her generosity and her good nature. That is why she had to fight the guy and do it in a way he would never forget. She wrestled him and choked as well crushed him painfully.

Because this guy was disrespectful, madame Mysteria wanted to show him what happened to people like him. So she used her martial arts training to beat the crap out of him. He worked out but he was no match for her and he was shocked as he had thought it would be the opposite. He was humiliated and he had to beg her for mercy before she let him go.

Madame Eva wanted to wrestle her boyfriend because she knew she would defeat him. Her boyfriend could not understand why she wanted them to wrestle and he believed she was no match for him. But when they did, she used mixed fighting and mixed martial arts to pin him down, head lock him and ensure he could not break free from her grip. He had the shock of his life.

Madam Mysteria loves to dominate and today was not any different. She had to teach him a lesson and she did this with her mixed fighting skills. The guy did not expect to experience what she did to him as he did not think she would have such skills or strength. But she did and that is how he was defeated by her. He never pissed her off again after that.

Mistress Nyx did not like how this guy was testing her. He was wasting her time and she had other things to do. She got fed up and she fought and wrestled him. She used her superior wrestling and martial arts to defeat him and teach him how not to behave. She was not going to let him get away with it. He never messed with her again after that.

Mistress Dula did not mess with this guy but the guy messed with her. She did not like that and she was convinced that she had to punish him for him never to repeat it. The mistress fought him and she kicked as well as punched him as painfully as she was able to. He never messed with her again as he knew what she was capable of doing to him.

Mistress Dula is good at fighting and these guys did not know that. They tried messing with her so as to see what she could do and they ended up regretting their decision. The guys were shocked when she kicked and punched them like a pro and they could not do much about it. They cried and wished that they had done things differently but it was not as easy as they wanted it to be.

This guy had conned mistress Suzy and he had to be punished for it not to happen again. Mistress Suzy knew that if she did not do it, no one else will. She did not want to sit back and watch as he did the same thing to other people. So she used her mixed martial arts to fight him and choke him besides slapping him. It worked and he changed.

Mistress Madison knows how to fight and how to wrestle. She felt that this guy was not good and that he needed to be subdued. She had to do it herself and she did so by using her fighting prowess especially mixed martial arts. The mistress head locked him to the point that he knew she would not let go unless he surrendered. He cried and she knew he had gotten the message.

Lady Tassia does not like imbeciles and when this guy proved to be one, he had to get what was due to him. The mistress chose to use her ass to sit on his face and she choked him in the process. He was afraid of her and he made sure that he did not piss her off any further. The mistress noticed that he was remorseful and she let him go.

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