Fighting Girls

Powerful girls over-powering weak opponents

All articles tagged with "Brutal"

This guy thought he would easily get away with name calling this mistress. But she was not the kind of person to let things go that easily. So she did what she does best and she punished him by punching as well as kicking him all over including in his balls. The mistress felt that she had to teach him a lesson so that he dropped the habit of name calling people.

Mistress Sveta is the kind of person who does not like to be messed with or even to be inconvenienced in the slightest. And when this guy pissed her off, she had to teach him a lesson. The mistress made sure he learned his lesson and ball crushed him and she even kicked him in the nuts. And as she did this, her friend watched as she chatted on phone.

This mistress had an unruly client and she did not like it. She had tried her best to ask him to calm down and have his issues addressed but he instead became aggressive. The mistress could not let him go on being aggressive and a disturbance at her work place. So she used her fighting skills and especially her mixed martial arts skills to trample him and dominate him until he learned his lesson.

Madame Marissa did not like how this guy dismissed her and he took her for granted. It was in her best interest to show the girl that she was not to be taken lightly and she used her boots and her fighting skills to kick him in the balls and to teach him a lesson he had never been taught before. He regretted taking her for granted and he changed.

Mistress Xana and mistress Veronike both dated this hot stud but they did not know it. They came to find out quite late when they had both fallen for him. None of them wanted to dump him and that led to a fight for him and the mistresses wrestled naked. They beat each other up, head locked each other and leg scissored each other before it all ended in a draw.

When these mistresses realized that this guy was a bully and he was trying to bully them, they knew it was important for them to teach him a lesson and they did it using their kicks and high heels. He was forced to endure the pain and torture that the mistresses inflicted on him. He regretted trying to bully them and he learned never to judge a book by its cover.

Lady Scarlet knows how to fight and she shocked her boyfriend with how she beat his ass. She used martial arts and her mixed fighting skills to beat him up. He had taken things for granted and he panicked when he could not break free from her stranglehold and from her tight grips. He had to beg her for mercy and he even cried in the process and peed his pants.

Mistress Gabriela and her friends madame Svea, mistress CatDeluxe and mistress Reell wanted to dominate this guy and they did it after paying him. He was broke and he needed money so they gave it to him but he had to endure their slaps. They did not care what he felt as he had been sufficiently compensated for it. They even added some money so as to punch him a little.

This guy was a bigot and mistress Libe was not going to let him continue with that sort of behavior in her neighborhood. She did not even wait for someone to report him to the authorities. The mistress then went ahead and took matters into her own hands and she humiliated the guy as cruelly as she was able to. The guy did not know what hit him and he was shocked at how strong she was. He could not even fight back.

Mistress Sandra was pissed by how irrational this guy was and she had to do something about it. She chose to use her fighting prowess to do something about it instead of being pissed and just complaining about it. The mistress kicked him and she punched him using her mixed martial arts prowess. And he was no match for the strong and skilled mistress. He learned his lesson the hard way.

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