Fighting Girls

Powerful girls over-powering weak opponents

All articles tagged with "Defeated"

When she came home, this mistress found her boyfriend chilling and watching a movie. She went to say hi to him and after a kiss, he went straight for her feet. He smelled them and he wanted to lick them. She felt ticklish and tried to run away from her but she was not fast enough for him. He held on and managed to remove her socks and made it even more ticklish. They fought and eventually found themselves naked and fucking.

Mistress Rose felt that the guy she was teaching to fight was not serious. He was a joker and she felt he was wasting her time despite the fact that he had paid for the training. The mistress used her skills to beat his ass and to show him that he had to take what she did seriously. When she was done beating him, she humiliated him by making him lick her feet.

Mistress Leehanna is as strong as she is sexy. She loves to take advantage of guys and dominate them cruelly. She loves to bait them and then use that to wrestle or fight them. And when she gets a chance, she uses her high heels to torture and dominate them. That is exactly what she did to this loser. She even made him cry and his cries were music to her ears.

Mistress Gaia was horny and she knew she could not fuck her slave. So she had to think quickly since her boyfriend was out of town and she was not one known for masturbation. The mistress chose to rub her pussy and her clit against her slave's face until she came. But she disguised it as wrestling him and dominating him. She pretended to be angry at what he had done and she was punishing him.

Mistress Mia wanted to wrestle this guy. She knew he was strong and she had to come up with a different way to do things in order to win the duel. So she wrestled him while she was naked. This worked wonders as it distracted him and made sure he was not concentrating on the wrestling match but on her hot body. And that is how she won and beat his ass.

Mistress Suzy realized her man was checking out other women and when she bothered to investigate further, she realized he was flirting with a lot of women. She feared he would cheat on her and she had to put a stop to that shit. She did it by slapping him, kicking him and using her fighting and martial arts training to beat the shit out of him. He never repeated his mistake.

Mistress Gaia does not like being taken for granted. Her boyfriend did that and he had to pay dearly for it. She used her kicks and her blows to do it. She kicked him and punched him in the balls to show him that she was not one to take for granted. She made sure he was naked before she did what she wanted. She enjoyed how he cried and knew he would never do it again after that punishment.

Madame Marissa used this loser as a punching bag. She loves to kick and humiliate him whenever she felt like. She was having a lazy morning today and she did not feel like working out. She did not want to go to the gym so she kicked him and she counted it as a workout session. She enjoyed inflicting pain on him and she let him go once she felt he had had enough beating for a day.

Lady Betty does not like secrets. She could tell her boyfriend was keeping secrets from her and she did not like it. She told him to tell her and he could not. She had to punish him in order to get them from him and she did so cruelly. She kicked him and she slapped him painfully. The pain he felt made him tell her everything that he had refused to tell her.

Madame Marissa loves to torture guys for fun. She is at her happiest when she puts someone else in misery. She is a sadistic mistress and she sees no problem in beating up and kicking guys who have done nothing to her. Like this guy who she beat and kicked all even though she barely knew him. He looked like a loser to her and she lured him to her house and she kicked him brutally.

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